Thursday, June 13, 2013

So Fresh and So Clean, Clean... this post is about a new product I'm using on my face. It's an all natural face wash/scrub and I thought it would be fun to post about any results I see. I hope you enjoy it!

Before I let you read about that, let me preface by saying Wednesday's angst has worn off... for now.
I'm always doing quite well the rest of the time and do quite enjoy my husband and our "practice" time, but it's always the day I realize we are, yet again, not pregnant that takes it's toll on me.. My hope is that this blog will reach others walking through the same journey. 

And now without further ado.. EffOff. :)
    So a few weeks ago a friend of mine posted a facebook profile pic and there were several comments about how great her skin looked.  She replied by telling us about EffOff Body Care; all the products are made from completely natural ingredients and feel much better compared to using numerous chemicals for acne, dry skin, oily skin, or whatever else might be ailing your skin. I ordered a trial pack and received it on May 22nd and have used the stuff daily. I use it at night before going to bed and in the morning I use it before makeup. It can be used as a wash, a scrub, or a mask and to do this requires more or less water depending on what you want to do.  The scrub and mask requires less water and the wash, a little more water.
I thought it would be fun to detail my experience and share with you the results. I'm excited to find out what differences will be noticeable after a month or two.  I have already had one comment on how smooth my skin looks. I mean, I'm not getting any younger... yes, I know I still look like I'm in my 20's... I'm not.
Here are some pictures showing how I've used it and any results that may be visible in the 20 or so days that I have been using it. 
After just a few days (with makeup): (had a major breakout)

Without makeup (is this brave or what?):

With EffOff: 

Spot treatment: Looks like I'm diseased!

And here's me after 18 days: 
(Oddly enough, I think my makeup looks better since I've been using EffOff!)

So far, I'm really enjoying using a more natural approach on my skin. It feels great to not be using so many chemicals, acne cream, oil control moisturizer, etc.  I'm really hoping to see a difference in how smooth my skin looks and a reduction in break-outs.  I have definitely seen an improvement as far as oil goes. I have the t-zone and have noticed a huge improvement in the amount of oil my skin produces.  The oil is still there as a natural process, your skin needs oil, but it's not over producing trying to compensate for what I'm washing away with chemicals. The amount of oil that I'm seeing now is enough to give my skin a natural glow.  And that's what everyone wants right? Anyway, I will keep y'all updated as to what improvements I'm seeing and if anyone else is noticing as well.  
Thanks for following!

And finally...  EffOff duck face! (I hate duck face! Seriously, you don't look good making duck face.)

To be continued...

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