Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The promises of God

And we begin with Philippians 1:6: Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

This verse came to me 2 days after God gave me a song.  I was sitting on my bed watching Dr. Who (of all things) and decided to get up for a snack.  That's when the song came.
Micky and I were patiently waiting to see if we had gotten pregnant. It had been 7 months of trying and on July 6th God gave me a song and I felt on that night and this was it.  God touched my heart and I knew. I shared this with Micky and he felt it too.  I wasn't even thinking of testing because I still had to wait another week before I could test and be sure. But the next night, as I walked through the bathroom, I felt God again...'Shellie, go test.' And so I did...

It was the next morning when I got to work and checked my work email. I get a daily Bible verse and that day's verse was Philippians 1:6.  I claimed that verse for this baby, this pregnancy.  I love how we can do that, claim a verse for a particular trial or time in our life.  God's word is unchanging and forever. His word is truth and the good work that has begun in me, it will come to completion. We will have a baby and this baby has already been given to God. We give thanks every day for this wonderful, healthy life growing inside me.  We've heard the heartbeat 4 times. It is a miraculous sound.  A wonderful sound. A sound God knew we needed to hear that very first appointment at 7 weeks.  A song to our ears. So strong and beautiful.

And now, here we are at 10 weeks and our baby is doing flip flops!  I love this child so much.  So very much. 

I still find myself worrying every now and again, but I just have to hold on to Philippians. To hold on to my faith in our Creator who is doing a wonderful thing inside me.
We ask for your prayers as our baby continues to grow and develop. That he or she will be strong and healthy, and be a man or woman after God's own heart.
If you're pregnant or know of someone who is pregnant, I would recommend the book, Praying Through your Pregnancy. What a blessing it has been to read about baby's development but to also find prayers to pray over your baby as he/she grows.
God's miracles never cease to amaze me.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you both! And definitely praying for your sweet little baby! :)
