Monday, October 13, 2014

Nathaniel Kee Wong

 And on March 7, 2014 at 5:39pm Nathaniel Kee Wong came into the world.
My mom, sister, and brother had come down Thursday afternoon so they could be here to meet Nathaniel (who at the time still did not have a name).  It was planned for me to be at the hospital early Friday morning to be induced.  But Nathaniel had other plans.  :)
We went out to dinner that Thursday night at Cheddars with my family.  While at dinner I started noticing my contractions were getting a bit closer but still not close enough to warrant heading to the hospital. I began to wonder if I could make it until Friday morning. We finished up dinner and headed back to the house.  At around 11pm everyone crawled into bed for the night.  And an hour later, I was waking everyone up!  Nathaniel had decided it was time.  We called the hospital and and my doctor called me as we were leaving, "I knew it. I knew you would come in before the morning." He had been saying that all week. Haha!
They got me into a room and hooked up to all the monitors.  But contractions and pain were minimal so we monitored baby until later that morning when the doctor came in and broke my water.  Then it was time for the epidural.  I was worried it wouldn't take because of the scoliosis.  The anesthesiologist got it in without any problems but the first medicine wasn't helping completely, so they injected another medicine into the epidural line and that one seemed to do the trick.  But by the time Nathaniel was finally on his way, the meds were wearing off and baby was too close to get more meds! Yikes.
I ended up having to get an episiotomy because all my pushing just wasn't doing the trick. 

This picture was taken just 5 days prior to his due date.

Nathaniel Kee Wong 6lbs 3oz, 18.5in long

Mom and dad holding our precious baby boy.

We're home!
We were at the hospital early Friday morning and returned home Sunday evening, on March 9, 2014. 

Let me apologize on the lateness of this post.  Here it is 7 months later and our little man is sitting up and saying "dada!"
Ta-da!!    He is the best baby ever!  He's eating pureed foods, he's tasted chicken, loves tortillas and breadsticks, he army crawls in circles, can roll from belly to back, and is just now sleeping in his own room! Hard to believe that in 5 short months he'll be 1 year old! 
Now he's around 17lbs and 26in long! He's growing too fast!

Here's a comparison collage to catch everyone up: 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I Don't Think you Understand...

...nearly two years ago, we had a miscarriage.   Tomorrow we get to meet our second child, our blessed baby boy. And we know our life is never going to be the same.  We know we'll have sleepless nights, our social life will be non existent, our house will be messy... "and remember, you wanted this..." Yes.  We've longed for this. What you don't understand is that we've been waiting for this for 2 years. We can't wait to hear the cries in the middle of the night, I can't wait to nurse my son in his rocking chair at 1:45am when the rest of the world is quiet, we can't wait to change diapers, to hold our baby in our arms and know he is safe and comfort him and hear him coo. We can't wait for our life to change.  This "change" was taken from us two years ago and we've longed for it ever since. 
So if I tell you, here in my third trimester, that I'm tired, that I'm so ready to feel normal again, don't tell me we'll never sleep again, don't tell me our life will never be the same; we are beyond blessed and so ready to start on a new path and welcome our baby boy. We know our lives are about to change and we've been looking forward to it, to our son in our arms for 2 years.  
Miscarriage is a horrible thing and unless you've had one or even tried for years to conceive, you can't know just how anticipated those sleepless nights are.  We are excited to welcome our first born into the world tomorrow and can't wait for you to meet him. 

"Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago." Isaiah 25:1

"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6 

And he is our promise from God. Our good work that he created in me that will come to completion on his birthday, March 7, 2014 and live to glorify God.  For we will praise God for he has done wonderful things, things planned long ago - and we can't wait to see that plan unfold. :)

Our Little Blessing