Friday, December 26, 2008

What's new!

Helllloooooo! (to be read as Mrs. Doubtfire, thank you)
Well, Christmas has now passed and I have received some very nice things from my family; a purse, a wallet, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, socks, a Mr. Potato Head (random, yes I know), a few gift cards, a necklace, a shirt, and the Word of Promise NIV Audio Bible! The last of which I am so excited about! I've listened to the first few chapters of Matthew thus far!
Another gift I received was not from my family, but from the man I love....
... it was the Planet Earth DVD set, which I am also so excited about! We haven't really had our Christmas yet. I am heading to College Station this coming Wednesday, the last day of 2008 and we will share our first kiss of the new year! My first new year's kiss with a man I truly love! Yay! So excited! (Who knew that was coming?!) So to sum it all up, Christmas this year has been good and... exciting! It's such a blessing to share a Christmas with a significant other! Granted we were both missing each other. I think of him throughout the day and imagine him coming up behind me and kissing me on the neck or walking around the corner and finding him there.... Sigh. When love blossoms 300 miles away, the watering can must have a spout more than 1,584,000 feet long! And though its hard, we seem to be making it work! (Micky will appreciate the math in that last comment, I promise.) I love him more and more each day! And can't wait to have our Christmas together during New Years!
I hope everyone had a merry Christmas! And I hope your new years will be as exciting as mine! God bless everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to give you your gifts to baby! You are truly the woman I love as well! I can't wait to see you soon and spend sometime talking about the new years' resolution over some latte or hot cocoa. Love you Honey.
