Tuesday, November 6, 2012

First things first...

...we voted today! We've done our civic duty and are now watching the results unfold on tv.  I won't go into who we voted for or why, but that we are in prayer for whomever it may be, Obama or Romney.  We are also in prayer for those who are currently voting, those who are working those polls, and all those who will be up late tonight working on getting those results posted and counted.
I posted a comment on Facebook that I honestly expected more comments on but was glad to find that it did not turn into a war but more of an agreement and granted there were only 4-5 of us commenting, it was a good thread. Here is a screen shot of that:
I'll reiterate just by stating that I will continually post about my faith and I think it's sad that I can't post something about who I support for president without a large debate immediately following. Why can't we be just as passionate about our faith? Why can't I just post a political opinion and it just be that? An opinion. Not a debate. Regardless of tonight's outcome, I will continue to serve my God and my Savior, I will pray for our country's leaders along with my husband. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 tells us to pray and give thanks on behalf of all people, including kings and all who are in authority.  And so that's what we shall do.

Secondly, I finally peeled that pomegranate I posted about below.  Between the time that I bought that one and our trip to HEB on Saturday, I bought another one.  So I have enough seeds that I now have a stash at work (assuming the cleanup crew doesn't clean the fridge, don't worry I dated it) and a stash at home. 
I'm going to attempt to dip half of this stash in chocolate.  I'll post results here. But can you imagine the foodgasm that will result? Om nom nom.

I'll leave you with this closing shot as we look out into the future and wonder what it holds. 

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