Friday, June 1, 2012

Along the Way

So here I am 5-6 months later and though I'm not walking as much as I would have hoped, I did participate in a program called Walk Across Texas with my co-workers. As luck would have it, my team, Steppin On Up, won the walk against the Holy Walkamolies. Very clever name indeed.  So they got points for the name, but we walked further, 1 mile further to be exact.  So both teams walked pretty far actually and there was no prize to be won, just the feel of accomplishment and a fun little competition between workmates. 

My husband and I walk about 2 days out of the week, if we're not walking, we're working in the yard.  I love working in my garden, plucking old blooms from my flowers, trimming back the bushes; it's one of my favorite past times.  Used to love reading as well, and still do but I find it harder and harder to get through a book, where I used to finish a book in 2-3 days.  
Otherwise my days are filled with work, playing with my cats and dogs, being on Facebook probably more than a person should be, eating, & spending time with my husband.  Oh, and watching tv when my show is on, Fringe.  

So anyway, to put a nice little bow on this package, shaping up is a work in progress.  Slowly I will begin to get in shape or get in better shape than I am now.  I'd also like to go get back into the things that I used to be into, reading, writing (if it weren't for that gigantic wall in front of me), and crafting.  (No, def not arithmetic.)  
I'll begin to post more here, now that I know I have atleast a few followers.  

This is Shellie, signing out.  Goodnight!

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