Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Life

And so new life begins. I always get so excited to see those first green sprouts poking their heads out into the sunshine. Their first little leaves reaching towards life giving sun. It's such a blessing to me to see these little sprouts begin their life. Soon they will be beautiful flowers, bringing joy and brightness in an otherwise gloomy spot. I've planted these flowers around our pitiful little tree in the front yard. I'm hoping the growth of the daisies, morning glory's, forget-me-nots, and wildflower assortment will bring a little life to the poor old tree. I'll start sprinkling plant food here soon, in hopes to get the biggest and prettiest blooms and hopefully a healthier looking tree. My favorite flowers, the daisies are around the base of the tree, with the morning glory's and forget-me-nots planted around them. So when they bloom, the tree will have a dress of white, purple, and blue stripes, with multi-colored spots throughout.
New clothes always perk me up!

Remember, it's okay to be "Wong" every now and again!

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