Thursday, May 7, 2009

My weekend of "engaging" activities...

So my weekend started Saturday morning. I got up and left my house at about 11am to go to Micky's place in College Station. I told him I would be there in time for lunch, but ended up getting a later start than I had planned. I actually got there around 2:30 or 3pm. It's about a 4 hour drive. No sooner do I get there, he says he has to go to the post office. I tell him thats fine, I'll just go with him. He insists that its only going to take about 5 minutes and he'll be back soon and I should just stay at his house. I persisted and asked why I couldn't tag along. It's just the post office, I'll be back in a few minutes. Ok, fine. I'll stay behind. His idea of 5 minutes was more like an hour! I couldn't believe that I had just gotten there only to be left by myself for an hour! For a trip to the post office! What?!? He finally comes back and he can tell I'm a little upset.

"Are you mad at me?"

'No, I'm not mad, I'm upset b/c you left me, I just got here and you left me! Doesn't matter what we do together (ie going to the post office) as long as we are together, right?!'

"Well, yeah, I'm sorry babe."

Then he says, "Oh, yeah, I also got us a bottle of wine."

What?! A little random but okay. So anyway, we leave his house and go eat. Then it's off to the theater to see the Wolverine movie! Which was pretty good. Its your basic saturday night date. Nothing too special. After the movie we get home and are watching tv and sitting on the couch together and decide we need some snacks to snack on. So he gets out a can of pineapple chunks, I decide on popcorn, and then he suggests the wine. Ok. Odd combo, I know. Pineapple, popcorn, and wine... Not your everyday menu. Sounds more like a pregnant woman's menu! LOL After a few hours of that, we call it a night.
Sunday morning comes and he wakes me up with an eskimo kiss, really sweet. I'm getting ready for church, have just gotten out of the shower and dressed when I decide to go see if he's getting ready as well.. Which, he's not. He's playing on his computer.

"Hey, babe. Are you ready for church?"

"Yeah.... Hey, babe... will you marry me?" (He's at this point still sitting on his chair in the office). "What? You can't ask me that now!"

"Why not?"
"Your not on your knee for one! And in your house?! Are you sure you want to ask in your house, in your office?"

He kind of laughs and says, "well, okay."
So we continue to get ready, but I'm feeling kinda bad about what I had said so I tell Micky,
'you know I will, right?"
And he says yes and we go to church. It's a really good service, we meet up with his friends Rob and Becca, and go to lunch afterwards. So we get back home and we are goofing around in his house, sliding around on the tile floor actually... I'm staying through til monday so we still have plenty of time to do whatever we want. Micky goes to the garage for a second and we soon find ourselves back on the couch watching Van Helsing, which if you've never seen it, is a movie about a guy who is employed by the roman catholic church to hunt down and bring any mythical creatures back to the church. Or if necessary kill them. One such necessary kill is Dracula. It's at this point of the movie when Van Helsing is hunting down Dracula and fighting with the wives of Dracula (he has three) that Micky proceeds to get down on one knee. I again, think he's joking and tell him to get up. Until he reaches into his pocket, pulls out a little pouch from which a little ring drops into his palm.... At this point, I'm just kinda stunned. Caught completely off guard!!! He asks me to marry him, I say yes! and hug him! And surprisingly there are no tears. The funny thing is, he goes back to watching the movie as if nothing ever happened! Great commercial break! I asked him why now and he said that it just felt right. He hadn't planned on doing it sunday, it just kinda happened. And it was still really sweet, despite being in the middle of Van Helsing! I love these kinds of movies though, so it's actually pretty appropriate! Guess I should buy the movie now!
"Kids, this is the part of the movie where your dad asked me to marry him!"
It wasn't until after I was driving home that the tears came. My hands on the steering wheel, all I have to look at are the road and the ring,
"Oh my gosh, I'm engaged!"
Delayed reaction or maybe it was just sinking in, I dont know.
He was nervous, but he had to laugh at me, b/c my hands were shaking so bad after he put the ring on! I thought he must have gotten up Sunday morning with the idea in his head, but he said he hadn't. Said the time was just right, that he felt in his heart that it was the right time.

I'm extremely happy and I love him so much! God has definately blessed us! Everyone I tell says that I deserve it and I'm getting a really great guy. I like to think so...
I love you, Micky! Proud to say that your my fiance!


  1. LOVED loved loved reading y'all's engagement story; that's pretty awesome and unique :)
