Tuesday, January 20, 2009


4 Things I did yesterday:
1. Watched TV with Micky
2. Made lunch and dinner for Micky
3. Watched part of a movie with Micky
4. Helped Micky load his car to go back home...

4 Things on my Wish List:
1. A new job.
2. Growth for my church.
3. Spending time with Micky
4. A book of my poems published.

4 Restaurants I like:
1. Rosa's Cafe
2. Chipotle
3. Olive Garden
4. Acapolcos

4 TV shows I like:
1. Heroes!
2. Fringe
3. House
4. CSI

4 People I tag:
1. Amy
2. Kelli
3. thats really all I got....

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