Tuesday, January 20, 2009


4 Things I did yesterday:
1. Watched TV with Micky
2. Made lunch and dinner for Micky
3. Watched part of a movie with Micky
4. Helped Micky load his car to go back home...

4 Things on my Wish List:
1. A new job.
2. Growth for my church.
3. Spending time with Micky
4. A book of my poems published.

4 Restaurants I like:
1. Rosa's Cafe
2. Chipotle
3. Olive Garden
4. Acapolcos

4 TV shows I like:
1. Heroes!
2. Fringe
3. House
4. CSI

4 People I tag:
1. Amy
2. Kelli
3. thats really all I got....

Christmas and thereafter...

Okay, so for Christmas Micky also got me some perfume and body lotion from Victoria Secret and a digital picture frame, which he added some pictures to himself. He also put a picture, or somehow loaded one my poems into the frame, which is pretty cool!
He was just here this past weekend and I got to keep him for one more day, yesterday being MLK Day, he had the day off and left late last night and got home at 2am! But I had made some super strong coffee and he was wide awake! Ooops. ;)
So the next holiday to spend with my Micky is Valentine's Day. And I can't wait! I have never looked forward to Valentine's Day so much as I am looking forward to this one! First one in a while, when I don't have to celebrate Single's Awareness Day (S.A.D) with a night out with the girls! I already know what I am going to get him! I am excited because its just so darn cheesey!
I have been going through a couple things from my closet and have found some old letters from an ex-boyfriend from high school. For whatever reason I kept them before, it no longer matters. I re-read the letters, rehashed the memory and have decided that its all I really need, a memory. Micky has decided the same. A new chapter has started in our lives and we are excited to see what the future holds! Til next time...