Saturday, February 26, 2011

New title, new look

So I'm starting my blog over from being just me to being my new family with my husband. For the time being it is just he and I and our house full of pets, 3 dogs and 1 cat. We do plan on having kids, just not any time soon! Possibly within 2-3 years. We want to get settled, have time with each other, and get a good foundation for our kids when the time comes!

The last post was all about me getting engaged and its been quite a while since I've posted and am obviously married to my best friend and wonderful husband, Micky! I'll post a few wedding pics later to start our new journey here on Blogspot. In 2 months we will have been married for 1 year and are really excited about that, but hope to gather a few followers as we go.

Hope you are all having a great weekend!

Don't be afraid to be "wong" every now and again!